Understanding DUI Charges in Greenville, South Carolina


Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are taken very seriously in South Carolina, and if you’re facing DUI accusations in Greenville, you could be looking at harsh penalties that impact your freedom, finances, and future. At the Thomas J. Adducci Law Firm, we specialize in defending individuals accused of DUI and other criminal offenses, and we understand how to fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

DUI Laws in South Carolina

In South Carolina, you can be charged with DUI if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher. However, you can also be charged if your ability to operate a vehicle is impaired by alcohol or drugs, regardless of your BAC level. The penalties for a DUI conviction depend on a variety of factors, including your BAC level, prior convictions, and whether any injuries or property damage occurred as a result of the incident.

DUI Penalties in South Carolina

DUI penalties are severe and can have lasting consequences. Here's what you could face if convicted:

  • First Offense: A first-time DUI conviction can result in up to 30 days in jail or a fine ranging from $400 to $1,000, along with the potential suspension of your driver’s license for six months. If your BAC was 0.15% or higher, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle.
  • Second Offense: A second DUI offense can lead to between five days and one year in jail, fines between $2,100 and $5,100, and a one-year license suspension. Additionally, the installation of an ignition interlock device becomes mandatory.
  • Third Offense: A third conviction can result in 60 days to three years in jail, fines ranging from $3,800 to $6,300, and a two-year license suspension. Repeat offenders are also subject to harsher penalties, including the possibility of having their vehicle permanently seized.
  • Fourth or Subsequent Offense: A fourth DUI conviction is classified as a felony and carries a sentence of one to five years in prison, with no chance of avoiding jail time.

In addition to the legal penalties, a DUI conviction can have other significant repercussions, including increased insurance premiums, loss of employment, and a permanent criminal record that follows you for life.

Defending Against DUI Charges

At the Thomas J. Adducci Law Firm, we know that every DUI case is unique, and we provide personalized defense strategies designed to protect your rights and minimize the impact of these charges. We will investigate every aspect of your case, including the traffic stop, field sobriety tests, and the accuracy of breathalyzer or blood test results.

Here are some common defenses we may employ in DUI cases:

  • Improper Traffic Stop: Law enforcement must have a valid reason to pull you over. If the officer lacked probable cause, we may be able to challenge the legality of the stop and have the evidence suppressed.
  • Inaccurate BAC Test Results: Breathalyzer machines and blood tests are not always accurate. We will scrutinize the methods used, the calibration of equipment, and the qualifications of those administering the tests to determine if any errors occurred.
  • Field Sobriety Test Issues: Field sobriety tests are often subjective and can be influenced by factors like poor lighting, uneven ground, or medical conditions. We can challenge the reliability of these tests to weaken the prosecution’s case.
  • Challenging the Officer's Observations: Many DUI charges are based on the officer’s observations, such as the smell of alcohol, slurred speech, or bloodshot eyes. We can argue that these symptoms could be caused by other factors, such as fatigue, allergies, or illness.

Why Choose Thomas J. Adducci for Your DUI Defense?

Facing DUI charges can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. At the Thomas J. Adducci Law Firm, we are dedicated to defending your rights and providing the highest level of legal representation. We understand the seriousness of DUI charges and will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for your case—whether that means getting charges reduced, negotiating a plea deal, or taking your case to trial.

Our experience with DUI defense in Greenville, combined with a thorough understanding of South Carolina DUI laws, allows us to craft an effective defense strategy tailored to your specific situation. We know the potential consequences you’re facing, and we’re here to help protect your future.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Greenville, don’t wait to seek legal representation. The sooner you contact an attorney, the better your chances of fighting the charges and minimizing the potential penalties. At the Thomas J. Adducci Law Firm, we offer a free consultation to discuss your case and determine the best course of action for your defense. Call us today to protect your rights and your future.